About NBNH

Congratulations! You've successfully navigated away from the main page, discovering an entire world of the same shit in a different place. Consider yourself one of an elite few who, finding themselves severely bored with majority of my writing, but too lazy to switch tabs to another site, clicked the "About" link.
Unfortunately for you and your new found haughty brethren, this page merely describes in greater detail that which you already know, having read and become thoroughly disheartened with my other posts.
If however, you have managed to find yourself here instead of there then I suggest you use your time wisely. Ignore that part at the top about 'boring' this and 'disheartening' that, and take a moment to discover a bit about the place you find yourself in. You may be surprised.

Or thoroughly bored and disheartened... whatev's.

*Description still to come