Tuesday, 30 November 2010

A Short Beginning

“Because sometimes 140 characters just won’t do. Before I’ve even begun to say something of any intellectual worth I’ve spent two thirds of my character limit on necessary profanities, leaving me one third for proper grammar and correct spelling.” - On the failings of micro-blogging.

Whilst Twitter is unquestionably the worlds leading method of forcing your opinion in the face of the Internet, it falls short (quite literally) on exactly how much of your opinion you are allowed to express in any one given instance. If your average thought falls between “OMG!!! I heart Kanye West so much!” and “Got up a 1pm today, telling twitter this because I’m a jobless gob-shite with nothing in life to validate my existence #SaltoftheEarth” then Twitter will likely suffice your needs. For those of us however, who wish to impart a deeper level of understanding to our brain farts, to incite discussion or careful analytical reflection on matters we consider important, have to look further afield.

No such place actually exists, search as we might. The internet is chock full of egotistical, foul-mouthed cock bags who will tell you exactly where to shove your innermost thoughts before pointing you in the direction of someone who will pay a modest price to film such an act. Wishing to look our parents in the eyes again, we inevitably resolve to bestow our wisdom unto a tiny, dimly lit area or the internet called the Blogosphere. Where other like-minded, self indulgent, ill-informed individuals like ourselves can find a sense of community and shared ignorance of the fact that the entire rest of the internet hates our fucking guts.

This, is undoubtedly the reason why both you and I are here. So without any preconceived notions, let us get on with reading and sharing our thoughts and experiences, so that we may better ourselves and our opinions, whilst quietly nursing our murderous contempt for each other, as we spiral toward cynicism and adulthood.



Dutchface said...

This comment works.

... this comment is pointless

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff.